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Imagination Land: The Coastline: Part 1

When I first tried to meditate, I—like most peoplefound it really goddamn hard. To this day, it’s still difficult: Who are these magic meditative people who can make their mind go shh, who aren’t whisked away by every thought like a mental ski lift?

To at least get a calm, relaxed vibe going so I could get an ounce of sleep, I created Imagination Land. It’s a world of lush landscapes that I think about before bedtime. There is no drama or risk in this place—there’s nothing lurking around the bend, nothing to fear. At the moment, there isn’t even anyone else there (except a tiger, who’s my friend).

The most exciting thing to do in Imagination Land is take the time to observe it. It’s safe to say I’m far from having discovered everything, and it’s been around for probably ten years. It will even change depending on what I need or how I feel.

Example: For a long time, there was a white wooden door in the middle of a meadow near the beach, and I couldn’t figure out why it was there or what the purpose of it was. Sometimes I would attempt to destroy the door, but it never felt satisfying, and it was always back and in fine condition when I would return. Eventually, the door disappeared on its own. [Insert your own explanation of my psyche and how that’s totally a metaphor here.]

I’ve been collecting images of real-life places that remind me of Imagination Land or that I want to include there. Now I share them with you! When I visit, I always “start” on the bluffs that overlook the ocean—so what finer place to begin with this post?

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